APB Audio: J Fresh P
Check out our interview with Columbia, South Carolinas Radio host J Fresh P for our APB Audio digital event. We spoke to J Fresh P and got the Radio Rundown on what it takes to be a radio personality and how one can navigate the music industry.
- So how long have you been in Radio and how did you get started in radio?
Although I grew up in radio, initially radio wasn't my dream. I wanted to be a football player in the NFL. I stared doing ESPN work in Atlanta when I got an internship there and networked with a lot of people. There was a contest in Columbia, SC to be on the radio, I joined the contest and I won it and been here ever since.
- Radio is one of those things where people may not know what avenue to begin with. If they do not have a team or mentor, what advice would you give any newbies looking to get into the radio field?
2020 changed a lot with radio. You don't need to go to school for this. Interning builds a lot of muscle, but find out what you want to do and don't be opposed to everything. Podcasting now is the wave. Lastly, work on your radio personality and voice, personality is a big part of the job.
- Describe to us what lane of radio you’re in & what that Intel’s.
I am a radio personality, I read liners, I work and maneuver the board, and play commercials. Commercials besides personality is the biggest thing.
- What are some things you had to learn or wish you knew
⁃ Are there any misconceptions about being in Radio? What are some perks of the job?
One of the biggest misconceptions is that you can play what you like & one of the best perks is that you can get into clubs for free and interview celebrities or going to different cities and meeting new people.
- When you walk into an APB store what kind of goodies do you look for?
I love the store structures. I love fashion and sneakers, but going into APB I get more than just sneakers. Aside from fashion, I get to have great conversations with like minded people. Even after shopping,I buy what I need get what I came for and im still chilling and talking. Same deal at any APB. The people make it comfortable and good feel. I like to hangout with the team and browse around the store.
- What are your future goals for yourself?
Building my brand and expanding in radio.